Hello from provo to Heber! (that doesn't sound very cool. Eh whatever, it'll sound cool when it's Buenos Aires)
The MTC is sooo great! I can't wait for the field. But was it dad (?) that said if he had to finish his mission just after the time in the MTC he felt it would've been a success. That's totally how I feel. I think that being here you can really sincerely change your life for the better.
Funny stuff: its the most spiritual campus on the planet, but we still have 18 year old boys running around. My district is 10 guys, and the residency rooms are three bunks so room for 6 guys. The room that I'm not in has an extra bunk and they filled it last week with two english speaking elders. We had been there two weeks so we were basically veterans to them right? So we walked in to find them unpacking. Every night we do a district prayer, but that night we had them join us. We had our poker faces on, and said totally serious "Here in the MTC they want us to be friends and have love for each other, so we hold hands when we pray." There were like ummm ok? So we all held hands and said our district prayer. They were super weirded out it was funny. I said it in spanish, so they had no idea what was even going on the whole time. I said "we are grateful for our new elders, Elder joy and elder rogers." But joy in spanish is gozo, so I said that. As soon as I said gozo, the whole district busted up laughing. I think they think we're really weird haha. That night laying in bed the guys staged a loud conversation about the last elders that were in those bunk beds the new guys were in. The new guys don't have pillow cases. They said "That would be terrible to get sent home just for getting pink eye." "Wasn't it just because they didn't have pillow cases?" "Yeah that's the only reason." HAHAHA they woke up to find Elder Rogers had wrapped a t shirt around his pillow. But it's okay we told them we were just joking.
Language problems: pez is fish and paz is peace. We've told investigators a couple times that if you pray often you can have fish. Things like that.
We are continuing to teach Jose. What a great guy! We taught him tuesday and thursday. On tues he hardly even let us teach. He had a marathon shirt on and said nice shirt i am a runner too! But then he just went on and on about how life is like a marathon. It was nice what he said, but we didn't really get a chance to get to our lesson. On thursday we taught him about faith and repentance. Plan of salvation and stuff. He listened hard and asked good questions. It was so easy to talk to him, I could just feel the spanish flowing! I think that's where the gift of tongues kicks in, when we really care. We also did member lessons this week. That is where actual members come in and we just give a little lesson. It was HARD though, because we didn't know them at all, and they talked really fast. I couldn't understand almost all of what they were saying. But with Jose, we have gotten to know him and really love him. On thursday he started crying and told us how him and his wife have had financial problems. His daughter is handicapped and life is hard a lot. But I just bore testimony that with faith and diligent prayer, we can overcome our challenges. Not get rid of them, or make them easier, just overcome them. I told him I thought he was a really loving guy, which is important because we need to have charity, the pure love of christ. I wasn't planning on saying that, but I think it was the spirit. he was so nice. He said "thank you so much for your beautiful words and message." The learning the language is going slow but good.
We got a TON of heber missionaries this week! SOO awesome. haha heber gets a lot of hype becuase there are so many of us here. People really think heber is a small cowboy town. Funny. I saw Elders Ritchie, Lindsey, Root, Strong, Harmon and Roney are companions (isn't that CRAZY?), and others. It's so happy here.
The sunday and tuesday devos are so good. One great part is the MTC choir. I LOVE singing in the choir. It is so great. We sang "A child's prayer" this week and I took a break from tenor to do base. HA it really was so fun. The director, Bro Egett, is so cool. Really really cool. He's spiritual and funny.
Thanks for all the letters. love everyone! make sure and pray daily. Read the scrips. I love everyone at home! Until later.
Elder (Ooh-wee-de-cock-oo-soo)
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