¨Every moment now the bond grows stronger. Two worlds, one family! Trust your heart, let faith decide to guide these lives we seek....[and baptize!]¨
I apologize if anyone doesn´t like my Tarzan humor.
This has been quite the whirlwind of a week! I thought that I would be coming onto the emails loaded with stuff about Whitney´s homecoming, but it turns out she hasn´t come home yet. Cool! I got her blessings for one more week. We have the promise as missionaries that our families will be blessed! But now I have no one to share the load...dang it.
Well wednesday, like I think all of the world´s missionaries, we got some cool training from apostles and other general authorities! That was GREAT. It took up much of the day, because we also had an area seventy visit the mission and give us a message of his own. We ALSO had the mission pres from the misión Comodoro Rivadavia visiting. Haha the training from the apostles in SLC was given in english, but translated into spanish, kinda like conference. ¨So close, yet so far.¨ I learned a whole lot though. One thing that really stuck out, and something that has been on my mind lately, is that we have to ¨cry repentance¨ to EVERYONE. Our job, as is the job of all members, is to testify and invite others to come unto Christ.....THROUGH repentance (among other things). It is not easy to do that. But if we aren´t bold and declare the word, who will? I think it´s PMG that says, ¨Some missionaries are so scared of offending people that they never ever save them.¨ Wow, that´s a bold statement. That´s something I am working on improving: extending loving and humble invitations to repent and be baptized.
Well Elder Campos is district leader, right? So this week we did divisions with the zone leaders. I was with Elder Healey, total stud from Canada. I have had him as a leader my whole time here in Arg. He taught me lots, and helped me realize my potential and strengths and weaknesses.
One thing we are doing in the pench now is praying as a group at bedtime and first thing in the morning. This helps us with our schedule obedience, and maintaining the Spirit. We started it after one of the Elders in the pench, I won´t say who, asked us all to straight up teach him the first lesson. He wanted a new perspective, and fresh enthusiasm, he said he is struggling a bit. I won´t say much of sacred experiences, but I have new respect for this Elder with enough faith to simply ask for help.
Bus Adventures: some of the buses are nice, and some are more like Nacho Libre´s ¨big bus¨ he bought for the orphans ha! More often than not, they are PACKED to the brim. And the drivers dont care at all, they are going full speed no matter what. Many times, I´ll climb on just the first step (becuase there´s no room to get onto the actual bus part) and the driver will go full speed w/out closing the door. And you can imagine how awkward it is to be squished standing next to someone on a bumpy road bus.
Anyway, just a great week loving my life! There were many flecks of gold to be found. ¡Ciao! Have a great week.
Love Elder Wilcox
Pic: went to the depths of humility this morning playing futbol with these guys!
Pic: Walter (investigator) made us a great asado yesterday! yum
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